Tuesday, September 1, 2009

the new teach

so yeah, yesterday she was quite....um.....how do i put this? not friendly, yeah, that's the best i can say.
nothing was said at the line up spot, she walked everyone to class, had the kids enter the classroom & said goodbye to parents.
i stopped her as she was shutting the door & told her Z was new to the school & needed to be shown everything, she said she had a couple of new students & would take care of it.
then she shut the door & all the parents had their wet noses faces pressed up against the glass, it was comical!

[wow, this is the 3rd time i've logged into type this post today...i don't even have a lot to say, but this is my life]

at the end of the day when we picked up Z, he said he had a good day & he liked his teacher. she sent home a little letter saying we would all meet at parents night along with outlining class rules which required parent & student signatures. he got a star for the day - YAH!

this morning we walked to school, Z was happy to go. we just had enough time to drop off his backpack at class & were heading towards the playground when the bell rang, so instead we went over to his line-up spot. he was the first one in line but some other kid weaseled his way in front of Z, he took it in stride though & didn't say or do anything!!!

that kid has no idea how lucky he is to not have had pavement for breakfast!!

so B acknowledged to Z how good it was the way he handled the situation & didn't floor his classmate. i didn't even realize it but teach was standing there & said "oh, you're Z's parents?"

wow, existence acknowledged!

Z had another good day today, so i'm happy for him.
i'm not happy about the way teach is doing things though.

1 comment:

  1. hopefully at open house you will be put at ease with the teacher's style & outlook. btw i think it is too cute that the both of you walked him to school! :-) too precious!


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