Monday, September 21, 2009

just put your lips together...

& blow...right?
no, not so much.

i can't whistle.
at all.
i've tried all different ways with my lips, moving my tongue this way or that, sticking fingers in my mouth, lessons from friends & i just can not do it.
the wind whistles better than i do, but i still try.

B likes to make fun of me; often he'll tell Z to ask me whistle just so they can have a laugh. Z can't whistle either though, maybe it's genetic. ok, probably not because he can't snap his fingers either.

sometimes when we're out & about & i'm trying to get B's attn i'll whistle at him. so can you guess where this is going? the other day we were at the store B heard the whistle & whistled back, only it wasn't me. hahaha! someone ELSE whistles like that!

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