Saturday, September 6, 2008

too much stacy & clinton

it was left over night for dinner tonight. Z & I are in the kitchen & i'm pulling everything out, naming it off & asking him if he would like some. as we're doing this we're also playing the game of "the monster ate my arms" & he's putting his arms in his shirt & taking them out as they "grow" back. after being armless & he grows a new arm i come down to his height & i put my face down so my hair covers my face & i'm talking & looking at him with all the hair covering me (like cousin it). this bothers him so he starts pushing my hair off to the sides so he can see my face & he says "i want you to have hot smokey eyes".

because we were playing the game (& i had no other point of reference) i thought he was saying something to the effect of smoke in my eyes & burning but then he starts touching me like he's putting on make-up on my eyes. then it clicked, he was channeling carmindy

i'm thinking this might work to my benefit & i should pull out all my make-up & have the kid put my face on for me...


  1. awww What Not To Wear! a little of that show doesn't hurt anyone! i love clinton! i love clinton!

  2. little being key, i think he's watched a bit too much with me!


tell me your thoughts...