Friday, January 18, 2008

just a little hyper

i was impressed with how much Z's school taught him about MLK - he made a little mobile with a cloud & birds, etc, they also colored a book explaining peace & being kind to one another.

one day when i picked him up from his afternoon school they warned me that he may be a little hyper (really, my kid?) because they had ice cream & cookies, then their food project for the day was making popcorn balls.

ya know, i don't know what these darn people were thinking, at best the child is already beyond my capabilities, then they go & fill him with sugar & hand him off to me – is there a hidden camera somewhere to record my reaction? so when we get home he's running at full capacity around the house, really they are little sketcher (yes sketcher, not sneakers or tennis shoes, he will argue with you if you call them that!) prints on the walls where he did his "I have a dream! I have a dream!" march, it was hilarious.

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