Thursday, November 15, 2007

a few Z stories to share

Saturday was the Marine Corp Ball. As we were getting ready Z asked where were we going & if he could come. I told him he couldn't, this was just for adults & explained at the ball we would have dinner, dance & talk. Then he interrupted me & said "then you play ball?" HAHA!

As we drove down to SD Z told us a story about the Bungabooda people. They live & walk up in the trees. When they decide to come down, they jump down & land on snakes & squash them. Then they cut up the snakes & cook them & put them in fresh water to eat like soup.

At the SM house we visited neighbors Michael, Julianna, Evan & new addition M. E is just a few months older than Z. He was born with a hole in his heart, but thankfully doctors have been able to fix his heart & he is normal in everyway. Well, ok, not every way, he's a genius. We talked about the boys & how they like kindergarten, they said E wasn't enjoying going over his ABCs so they had to put him in a private school & at home they are going over multiplication & division – with a 5 year old!

As we were leaving E hollered at us "I'll be 6 in April" & Z responded with "Bye April" that pretty much sums up their differences I think.

Z has started using the past tense & he just adds "ed" to every word. it's fricken hilarious…stopped-ed, closed-ed, ate-ed. I try not to laugh, try not to encourage it, try to correct him no matter how cute I think it is; I know some little bastard on the playground is going to start making fun of him so I have to teach him now how to speak properly.

I answered my work phone a few minutes ago & said "asked-ed" – crap, now I'm doing it too

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